Looking for Coconut Water Vs Sugarcane Juice?

Coconut water and sugarcane juice are the ideal drinks that help you stay cool and hydrated throughout the summer heat. These are considered to be healthier alternatives to having carbonated drinks and colas. These natural thirst-quenching drinks are chemical-free and have several health benefits such as improved digestion, weight loss, and glowing skin.  In often cases the doctor recommends Sugarcane juice or coconut water juice for persons affected by severe dehydration and reliant on IV fluids.

Let’s discuss and explore how sugarcane juice and coconut water differ from each other. Getting a good understanding will help us decide what is better for our body type and health, and what is better suited for us.

Coconut Water

Coconut water is a hydrating clear nourishing liquid inside the young green coconuts. Coconut water is different from Coconut milk as the milk combines water with a grated coconut. Coconut water is fat and cholesterol-free and low in calories. It is the perfect natural drink full of refreshing electrolytes.

Below are some health Benefits associated with Coconut Water.

  • Hydration:the presence of electrolytes, and minerals like potassium, magnesium, and sodium helps as a hydrating efficient drink. The minerals get easily absorbed replacing the fluids caused by sweat.
  • Weight Loss:Coconut water contributes to weight loss as a cup contains only 46 calories. It provides a light-filling effect, restraining hunger.
  • Hearth Health:it is high in potassium content, and neutralizes sodium resulting in the lowering the blood pressure. It helps the nerve functions relating to cardiovascular activity.
  • Immunity:Coconut water contains Vitamin C which boosts immunity. it helps produce more White blood cells, which fight infections and harmful germs in the body from diseases.
  • Digestion: Coconut water has bioactive enzymes which contribute to healthy gut function, and balance acidity.
  • Detoxification: Coconut water helps in cleansing and detoxification. As its hypotonic, it facilitates water movement helping in flushing the kidneys.
  • Exercise recovery: After a physical activity when you are dehydrated and exhausted, the sodium and magnesium in the coconut water help you quickly rehydrate and rejuvenate after the exercise.
  • Beauty: Vitamin C and E content in the coconut water helps the skin from sun damage and pollution. It acts as a shield for the skin. The minerals and antioxidants stop skin cell damage. Keeping yourself hydrated from coconut water prevents the skin from being dry, resulting in soft and supple skin.
  • Diabetes Aid: The vinegar extracts on coconut reduce the higher blood sugar levels. Some studies and research have concluded that coconut water has been helping in managing diabetes and lowering blood glucose.

Sugarcane Juice

Sugar cane is extracted from cans and is a simple carbohydrate and micronutrient. Sugarcane includes several nutrients like carbohydrates, protein, Vitamins (A, B & C), and rich minerals like calcium, potassium, phosphorous, zinc, and iron. It also includes fibers and antioxidants such as flavonoids and polyphenolic compounds.

Let’s walk over the Health benefits Sugar Can juice can offer.

  • Energy booster: Sugarcane juice helps hydrate your body and reduces fatigue caused by hot weather. The carbohydrates proteins and minerals help you to overcome dryness. Glucose, Fructose, and Sucrose in sugarcane help digestive sugars metabolize quickly, elevating your blood glucose levels when transformed into an energy rush and booster.
  • Digestion: As Sugarcane has high potassium levels, it optimizes water movement helps in digestion, and also prevents issues like bloating and constipation. It also helps in regulating bowel movements. Sugarcane juice has a sufficient amount of fibers that results in helping clear your digestive tract reducing constipation.
  • Bone Builder: as sugar cane has calcium it helps in strengthening bones and lowers the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Infections: Sugar cane juice includes antioxidants that help prevent diseases and infections resulting in making your immune system strong and preventing viral and bacterial infections. 
  • Helpful in pregnancy: Sugarcane has rich nutrients that are essential in pregnancy. It can be used as an alternative to pack juices and beverage as it is a healthy alternative. 
  • Skin Rejuvenator and graceful aging: Sugarcane juice works as a remedy for anti-aging and removing fine skin lines. As sugar cane juice contains antioxidants and phenolic acids, it contributes to moisturizing the skin and making it soft and glowing. Glycolic acid also helps maintain skin radiance. Sugar cane juice has zinc to help in healing tissue growth. Zinc also helps in blood clotting leading to faster recovery.
  • Liver Detox & Chemotherapy Relief: Sugarcane juice helps in replenishing fluids are electrolytes that are lost during chemotherapeutic sessions and treatments. To prevent dehydration and keep the energy levels high and stable sugarcane juice is recommended. On the other hand, sugarcane juice helps stimulate the liver producing more bile. This helps the body to get rid of waste, excess cholesterol, and toxins. 
  • Diabetes aid: Sugarcane can be beneficial for diabetics, as some research shows that substances can make the body’s cells sensitive to insulin.
  • Help in High Fever: Sugarcane juice is great for patients with high fever. When the body goes through a loss of water and glucose, sugar cane juice provides you with rapid recovery and completes your fluid intake. This helps overcome weakness and body pains.

To conclude the differences between coconut water and sugarcane, we can say that both are refreshing & nourishing beverages with their own set of benefits for health. Both drinks should be preferred over soda carbonated drinks which are very bad for the health. Some people may be allergic to these drinks, or get an upset stomach or reaction upon consuming it. So, it is recommended to start in small quantities and see how it suits your body.

Now you know which is best between Coconut Water Vs Sugarcane Juice, Contac KAP who are a leading coconut water exporters to order coconut water.